Wielkasten uitrollen

 Wil je for a broader look? We can provide you wheel roll-out, or change in (expand?). We have all the options to get your wheels are free to walk away. From roll-out to the entire widebody.


At the wheel is in 95% of cases, and a standing seam metal roofing have to find it. The edge is recognized as an inward-protruding flat edge. We can make this into flat, so that it is 5-15mm) of space ontstate. Als je het niet weet zie je het niet. Wij doen dit door de rand en de lak te verwarmen zodat het risico op scheuren en vervormen minimaal is.


It is also possible to then continue to roll up. The car is changed, then the outside. Due to the paint to keep it warm, we will do our very best to make no damage to create. Sometimes, it is already in the drive, lakscheurtjes occur. We have the capabilities to these ofurclosed to the sand, to take precedence, and can be painted or tectyl low to be provided. 

If the edge is really flat on the the inside wheel to, we have a protective kit, edge to, so that there is no fluid retention occur. 

In rust, we can't be good to roll. In order for our welding work carried out, there are possibilities of in order for rust, cracks, close to the weld. 

Wing will stop on the road. On the road there is a hard part, which does not bend to a little bit. The more we have to go to the body expanding on the greater the chance of paint.

Om een echte kwalitatieve dienstverlening af te te leveren voor jou auto demonteren wij wielkuipen. Brengen een beschermende 3M nadenkit aan zodat er geen vochtophopingen ontstaan. Dit voorkomt roesten. We doen alles in overleg, persoonlijk contact staat centraal. Geef je wensen aan dan denken wij daarin mee.

Custom Point dot this is in the last 15 years with hundreds of satisfied customers. 
